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Step 1:

Contact Melissa using the Contact Form or "Get in Touch" link. I'm accepting new clients every year, but I need to be in communication with you before sending weddings over. To get on the list, contact me and I will be in touch within 24 hours. 


Step 2:

Once we've established a working relationship and you have reserved your dates on my calendar (it will be emailed to you), you can send weddings and sessions any time throughout the year.  


To send weddings: 

Fill out the Order Form with a link to your zipped Lightroom Folder containing the catalog and smart previews


How do create Smart Preview Catalogs:

Import your photos into Lightroom Classic Desktop (subscription version). 


Go to File > Export folder as catalog > Save As (Your Company_Couple's Last Name) 

> check Build/ include smart previews > UNCHECK Export negative files > Export Catalog.

(The only one that should be checked is "Build/Include Smart Preview")


Note that you will need to send me the entire folder with the catalog itself, along with the smart previews in it, otherwise it will not open properly. The best way to do this is to compress (right click, compress) the folder first and send the zip file.  


If you have film scans, I recommend you include them in the catalog so I can match them. If you don't have film for the wedding or session, I recommend editing 20 or so within the catalog to give me an idea of what you're looking for. Please label those anchor photos in red for my team to use as references. You can reference Prepping Hybrid Catalogs for more information on sending film.





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